How to Register
Click the Register a New Team button below and enter your name.
If you participated in the General Tournament last year, your name will appear in the drop-down list. Click on your name, and you will be asked to verify the email address that you used to register. Fill in the email address, and a filled-in registration form will appear. Make any needed changes and click the Save & Close button.
If you did not participate in the General Tournament last year, enter your team name and click the Continue button. If you do not have a team name, enter the Boat Name. If the boat has no name, enter your name.
A blank registration form will appear. Fill in the form and click the Save & add captain as first angler button.
The information entered on the forms that follow is how it will appear on the scoreboard and standings. Please check it for correctness before submitting.
All fields with a red * must be filled in.
If you need assistance to get registered you can call 904-329-3143